New Beginnings

Greetings everyone! My name is Hanaiah and this marks my first blog for Tulane's Masters of Pharmacology program. I've just finished my first month of grad school and it has been interesting to say the least. Going into this program I was not sure what to expect. I had been out of school since December 2018, and I was unsure of what my next steps in life were going to be. I figured a post-bac program such as this would help to strengthen my resume best for medical school. The Pharmacology program is more than just about studying all of the time (although I do a lot of that). A key focus is for us to spend time volunteering within the New Orleans community to help a still recovering community post Hurricane Katrina. This past weekend I volunteered at NOLA on Tap Beer Fest which benefits the LSPCA. Being that I am a dog mom, this organizations has a special place in my heart. The morning started a little rough being that the clouds decided to rain down on us, but thankfully...